Business English

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Main Ajit Road, Opp. St. No. 13, Bathinda- 1510001

+91 97803 36000
+91 96530 21000

Mon - Sat : 09.00 - 06.00

Business English is a specific form of English that is mainly used for international trade, commerce, and finance. As such, Business English is the kind of English specifically used for business meetings, sales pitch, negotiations, closing business deals, correspondence, business reports, executive summaries etc. It basically focuses on communication in business-related situations.

This course is for the people who need to communicate effectively and fluently in English at their workplace. Our Business English course is tailor-made to your specific needs for using in the context of your business. All the topics are taught by trainers specialised in this field.

To help you enhance your Business English, we guide you how you can handle yourself in different workplace situations right from making presentations to communicating with your seniors and co-workers and writing professional E-mails.

What You’ll Learn

  • Use of punctuation
  • Spelling and grammar
  • Writing Business letters
  • Writing Reports
  • Writing corporate E-mails
  • Conducting meetings and much more
  • Answering customer inquiries

Why is Business English So Essential?

English is the global language of business, also known as the ‘bridge language’ through which business is done globally. The use of Business English is more pervasive in sectors like computer/IT, science, technology, engineering, medicine and law. If someone wishes to be more successful in the above careers on an international level, having a good grip over Business English can be a very big plus point.

For a company that is preparing to diversify its business internationally, the results of not having business executives proficient in Business English can be detrimental. This situation can possibly result in communication failure, credibility loss, poor results in negotiations and an overall inability to carry out international business in a proper way. Therefore, to thrive in a global market, companies and their employees need to adopt the corporate culture.

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